Planning For Your IKEA Kitchen Cabinet Installation

An IKEA kitchen cabinet installation has a lot of moving parts and is, or can be, a bit more DIY than conventional kitchens. If you are wanting to go for the more “hands on” approach, here are some tips on how to prepare for your IKEA kitchen installation.


First of all measure the space(s) where you will be installing the cabinets. This is a very simple process whether you are wanting to keep the same general layout and footprint of your current kitchen or come up with a whole new design. You do not need to be super precise. Within 1/2″ or so is fine.

Measure from corner to corner where you want cabinets to be, or where they already are.

If there is a window or door involved, measure from the corner to the edge of the trim, then measure the width of the opening including trim and then continue from the opposite side of the opening to the other corner.

Example: It is 47″ from the corner to the window trim, the window (trim to trim) is 38″ and then it is 56″ to the other corner. The whole wall is 141″. Also measure how high a window is from the floor. If it is above the counter then just measure from the counter and add 36″. Also measure the height of the window, trim to trim.


This is where you begin to decide how you want your kitchen to function. The design process will be simplified if you are keeping the same basic layout and function. You may want a design that is different than it is now. Maybe you want to add more drawers, have trash pull outs, etc. You can do a lot with IKEA cabinets in terms of functions and features. Go to IKEA USA and look around at what they have in terms of features and styles. You will be amazed at the possibilities. Places like Pinterest can provide design ideas that could work in your space that you might never have thought of.

The Plan

Now that you have a design you think might work, you need a plan to execute it. If you feel up to it, you can do the plan yourself in IKEA’s online planning tool which can be fun. Honestly it can also be an exercise in frustration. Be aware that there is a learning curve and tablets and phones don’t really work.

You can also have it done in the store by one of their designers. Caution: If you get an in-store plan make sure that it can be saved to your IKEA account or you have an access link that really works. Having a “live” plan is indispensable if you want to do any modifications to the plan and curate your shopping cart. A plain printout is virtually useless if you want to do any changes.

I have found that IKEA plans are not always accurate and/or often contain unneeded items. I offer plan review services for a fee of $300. I will review your plan for errors/extra items to make sure that you are getting only what you need and want, make any small adjustments and build your online shopping cart. This service does not include plan revisions.

I also offer IKEA planning services for a fee of $480. I will work with you to design your kitchen and offer insights for best practices, solutions for challenging areas, etc. You will have a “live” plan in Home Planner that you can view and explore. This includes unlimited revisions and a curated shopping cart so you will be sure to get what you need and not get what you don’t need.

Installation Quote

Once you have a plan I can provide a quote for installation. Your Home Planner will generate a set of plans that show all of the details for each cabinet as well as an Item List that details all of the individual components. These are all necessary documents for creating an accurate quote. A blurry picture of an incomplete printout with scribbled notes is very difficult to work with and can lead to errors in pricing and installation (see “Caution” above).


When done in Home Planner your plan will also generate an Item List with everything you need for a standard installation. If your plan was done in-store, it is not editable if you are wanting to do anything slightly out of the box. Any additions or subtractions must be verbally given when you call to place the order. If you wish to order online, it will generate a shopping cart. Any changes will have to be made in the cart.

Sometimes not all items are available. This will require a great deal of persistence and patience on your part. You will need to check often, even daily, on availability. If possible, you can accept partial orders (get while the getting is good) and wait for other items to become available.

Also, IKEA sometimes does not fulfill orders completely or will send wrong/unordered items. They will even show something as being delivered, but it is not. This can be extremely frustrating and confusing for the customer, and can cause delays and cost over runs. I highly recommend that you go through your order and confirm each item once it is delivered. If you do not have the time or patience to deal with all of this, I offer order and inventory management services for a fee of $640.

I will go through your order once it is delivered and check every piece against the Item List and the Packing list to know exactly what is there. If items are missing, I will order them if they are available for delivery. I will also sort, label, and organize all boxes.

No matter what, be prepared to receive a lot of boxes. You will need to find a place to put them, preferably in or near the installation area.

I hope that this answers some questions you may have as well as helps you to avoid some common pitfalls in your quest for an IKEA kitchen. Please let me know how I may be of help to you in this process.